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Why research papers for higher studies?

Many individuals associate higher education preparation with exams like the GRE, TOEFL, or IELTS. However, they often overlook another equally crucial aspect: how to write research papers. We know that many universities offer substantial scholarships and opportunities to new students, even if they lack publications. This is a positive aspect. But if you plan to come to the United States for higher education without having a basic understanding of how to write research papers, it could become quite challenging.

Research papers for higher studies

Consider this scenario: in your very first semester, you are given a review paper to write by your professor or course instructor. However, you are not familiar with what a review paper is, let alone how to format citations in MLA, APA, or Chicago style.

So, it is crucial to understand that in addition to standardized tests, gaining a fundamental knowledge of research paper writing and academic writing styles is equally important, especially if you intend to pursue higher education abroad. 

Research paper

In the context of higher education, what is the importance of research papers? Many individuals often associate advanced studies with standardized exams like the GRE, TOEFL, or IELTS. However, one critical aspect often overlooked is the art of crafting research papers. While it’s true that many universities provide substantial scholarships and opportunities to incoming students, even those without prior publications, there’s a catch. Imagine this scenario: in your very first semester, your professor or course instructor assigns you a review paper. However, you’re unfamiliar with the concept of a review paper, let alone how to format citations in MLA, APA, or Chicago style.

Hence, it’s crucial to understand that, in addition to standardized tests, gaining a fundamental knowledge of research paper writing and academic writing styles is equally important, especially if you intend to pursue higher education abroad.

Now, you might hear people say, “You don’t need to worry about it; citation generators do all the work for you.” While citation generators can assist, a fundamental understanding of citation formats is essential. Upon arrival, when you’re working on assignments and wish to quote a line from your course textbook, you’ll need to use in-text citations and compile a “Works Cited” or “References” page afterward. Failing to provide proper citations for any external source can lead to accusations of plagiarism – a severe offense that can jeopardize your student status.

In a nutshell, it’s vital to arrive with a foundational understanding of what research papers entail, how to present information, and how to write literature reviews. Learning about various types of research papers will prepare you and minimize potential setbacks during your coursework.



ফাহাদ হোসেন [পিএইচডি স্টুডেন্ট (রেটরিক, রাইটিং, ও কালচার)]

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