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Color Standard | Apparel Merchandising

After the order confirmation, a merchandiser drives to develop different garment samples steps by steps along with fabrics and other trims & accessories. Merchandiser gets PO (Purchase Order) sheet and tech-pack from buyers’ end. Detail of order quantity, size, color, packing and shipment can be found from PO sheet. Tech-pack is for technical support like styling, design of different parts and/or the entire garment, measurement specification, quality parameters, etc.
Color Standard | TCX | TPX | Texpedia

A garment order may have a variety of colors and merchandiser needs color standard from buyers to follow on. Buyer can give him/her this standard in 2 (two) ways as below-
  1. Physical swatch 
  2. Pantone number
Physical Swatch: Buyer may provide physical dyed fabric swatch of different shades and colors to a merchandiser to follow. Merchandisers then develop the sample shade based on this physical swatch with the help of the sample dyeing unit. 

Pantone number: It is an international unique code (hexadecimal or 6 digit) for different shade of different colors. This is the standard identification of colors. Because, different buyers may call the same colors in different names. So there may be a complexity. To avoid this issue, pantone number or color code is being used. Pantone no may be of different types as below-
  1. TCX = Textile Cotton, Extended Range (Launched in 2007)
  2. TPX = Textile Paper, Extended Range (Launched in 2003)
  3. TPG = Textile Paper Green (Launched in 2015)
  4. Huafu color standard = For composite yarn like mélange yarn. 
Elaboration of TCX, TPX, TPG:
T = Textile, C= Cotton, P= Paper, X= Extended and G = Green. 

TPG colors and TPX colors are the same, but the new TPG suffix indicates much more eco-friendly formulations. On the other hand, TCX and TPX are also the same colors but in different materials (e.g. Cotton and Paper) to show the effect is different. 

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