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RMG Business terms & definitions

AQL = Acceptable Quality Level
GSP = Generalized System of Preferences
CBL = Center Back Line
GATT = Generalized Agreement on Tariffs
and Taxes
CFL = Center Front Line
MFA = Multi-Fiber Arrangement
FOB = Free On Board
VAT = Value Added Tax
GOB = Government Of Bangladesh
TUF = Technology Upgradation Fund
GPT = Garments Performance Test
ETP = Effluent Treatment Plan
C & F = Cost & Freight
UNIDO = United Nation International
Development Organization
CIF = Cost, Insurance and Freight
P/C = Polyester + Cotton
CMT = Cost of Making with Trimming
T/C = Tetron + Cotton
CMO = Cost of Making Order
FAS = Free Alongside Ship
NSA = No Seam Allowance
CNF = Clearing & Forwarding
BL = Bill of Lading
EU = European Union
CO = Certificate of Origin
EPI = Ends Per Inch
L/C =
Letter of Credit
PPI = Picks Per Inch
BTB L/C = Back to Back L/C
UNEC = United Nations Economic and
Development Commission
UD = Utilization Declaration
TU = Trade Union
UP = Utilization Permission
UNDP = United Nations Development
AAQC = American Association of Quality
ILO = International Labor Organization
LCA = Letter of Credit Authorization
IFTU = International Federation of Trade
PSI = Pre-Shipment Inspection
IMF = International Monetary Fund
XL = Extra Large (Size)
GB = Great Britain
L = Large (Size)
GM = General Manager
M = Medium (Size)
AGM = Assistant General Manager
S = Small (Size)
PO = production Officer
CAD = Computer Aided Design
PM = Production Manager
CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing
CEO = Chief
Executive Officer
PTS = Primary Textile Sector
ISO = International Organization for
GDP = Growth Domestic Product

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